Living in the Flathead Valley
Treasure in Kalispell – Blacktail Mountain Books + The Bookshelf
Treasure in Kalispell – Blacktail Mountain Books + The Bookshelf

Treasure in Kalispell – Blacktail Mountain Books + The Bookshelf

A Pursuit for Knowledge

I have been on a quest to learn as much about this world as possible. Sure, I attended elementary through high school and then some college. However, I don’t think I’ve learned much about life and those who lived before me. I want to know about the history of the world. How did classical Greece influence religion and the founding of the United States? How was the framework of our current society influenced by the American Revolutionary War? What happened in the last few centuries that influenced our daily lives, but we don’t even know it? I want to answer these questions and more. While my local library has been helpful, I haven’t found many books to help me answer these questions.

In addition to this new search for knowledge, I realized I have not explored a lot of the Flathead Valley. I have spent a lot of time living in the state but never took the opportunity to explore it. So, why not progress on both quests and explore some used bookstores in the area? The first is Blacktail Mountain Books and the second is The Bookshelf, both in Kalispell.

Blacktail Mountain Books

A Book Lover’s Paradise

I cannot believe I have never stopped by this amazing bookstore before! It is like I am stepping into a different world – an enchanting world for book lovers I might add. It initially looks like a small store from outside the front door. Once you step inside, the isles seem to continue forever. It is truly an incredible store you want to get lost in. The isles are a little small, but it’s because there are so many (and I mean so many) books to search through. 

A picture of Blacktail Mountain Books - a used bookstore in Kalispell. There is a mural of a cowboy riding a horse among some trees on the side of a brown building that has "BOOKS" along the side of it. The picture is taken from the outside of a street intersection.

Your first step through the door, there is a large section of classical literature you can sort through. If you continue a little bit, there are romance sections, children’s literature sections, and music books and CD sections. There are language books, self-help books, and do-it-yourself books. There are plenty of books on politics and books to search history. I got two huge books on World History. These books are huge! They are detailed written and include many diagrams and images. I thought these books would have been crazy expensive, but they were very affordable. 

The Endless Towers of Books

I forgot to take a couple of photos when I was there. So I guess I’m going to have to go back! I don’t think I can describe the store as well as it deserves. It is truly a different world. The bookcases reach the ceiling. There are carts, boxes, piles, and stacks of books everywhere. I had fun stepping over a couple of small stacks to try to get to different books. The classic literature section is a beautiful nook of famous books. When I return, I need to get a book from this section. I got so distracted exploring, that I forgot to pick up some classic literature for my pursuit of knowledge.

There are so many bookcases! I mean so many. I cannot emphasize the adventure of getting to explore each bookcase. There’s a bookcase with another section of the room behind it and another one behind it. It’s all followed by more stacks of books, not on shelves, and then more bookcases. Most of the fun of visiting this store is in this odyssey.

I need to get a picture of the back of the store. There’s a door that was painted purple around the edges that kind of resembles the door from Friends. That’s just a fun aspect. It made my experience more fun because I am a little obsessed with the TV series still. By this door, there’s a cozy-looking, big, leather chair that looks like someone’s grandpa should be sitting there. It is old-fashioned and it gives the environment a homey feel to it. I would crawl up in it and read my books there all day if I could.

The Treasure Trove of Books I Found

I found what I was searching for! I now have two world history books and some psychology books. The Small Miracles of Love and Friendship shares stories of different individuals interacting with each other and having remarkable coincidences or small miracles. They are stories that share memories of love and friendship. I was attracted to this book because I was and am looking for stories that show the beauty in life. Sometimes the news, our work or personal lives, and encounters on the street, seem to show so many negative, angry stories. I want to be reminded of the good in life.

The Matter and Consciousness discusses some philosophy of the mind and delves a little bit into some neuroscience as well. It discusses dualism, philosophical behaviorism, idealism, and phenomenology. I don’t know anything about philosophy and if I’m honest, the book’s title and cover captured my gaze. I’m interested to see what this book examines. Steps To Freedom by Reshad Feild illustrates some concepts individuals need to grasp to better understand the world. He expresses the need for developing will, decisions, conscious love, identity, and freedom. He even reveals how conscious suffering is a necessary step in creating yourself, in understanding the real you. I haven’t read this book fully yet, but I am already intrigued.

Two books placed on the floor. One is titled, "History of the World" by J.M. Roberts and the other is "A History of the World" by Starr, Nowell, Lyon, Stearns, and Hamerow.
All the books I received from the Blacktail Mountain Books bookstore, there are two world history books, "Small Miracles of Love and Friendship", "Matter and Consciousness", and "Steps to Freedom" books placed on the floor.

These five books should keep me busy for at least the next couple of weeks. These two world history books could have been textbooks for the amount of detailed information they present. My total was only forty dollars! I know these are used books, but with the quality and informational value I received, they were a steal. I was certain that one history book would have been at least sixty dollars, but I was very fortunate.

The Friendly Service

The people who work there are also very nice. They have great customer service and are very friendly. While I was searching for some books, a couple of people were adding more books to each section. They assure you too that you are not in any way. They offered to help me find anything and said they were glad to have me at the store. Even their dog is very friendly and loves treats! The cute white lab will come to check up on you periodically. It is a very homely and comforting environment.

The experience at Blacktail Mountain Books is wonderful. Any book lover who wants to escape to a world of books needs to visit this shop. It is truly a wonderful experience that I checked off my bucket list. Books are practically stacked up to the ceiling and more are in boxes and carts everywhere. It is like you are in a beautiful jungle of books.

While the store’s books are in sections, it’s probably better to come unprepared. Or at least just know what subject you’re interested in rather than a book title. There are so many books, that I’m not sure how the owners keep track of every single book title they have. Maybe they do, but it’s much more of a magical experience if you come to explore. 

If you would like to learn more, check out their website at

The Bookshelf

Uncovering and Investigating the Store

This used bookstore was also wonderful to visit. It is only a couple minutes’ walk from Blacktail Mountain Books, if you are good with directions (psst. I am not). I probably spent fifteen minutes driving and then walking trying to find it. All I had to do was walk around the corner! Its entrance is not as noticeable as the last bookstore’s. Keep a look out for their name on the glass of a black door! I think it was the first or second store after the street light.

The Bookshelf is a very organized bookstore. Like Blacktail Mountain Books, the shop is organized by sections of historical, religious, medical, scientific, fiction, nonfiction, romance, etc. It kind of looks like a Barnes and Noble or an old Borders – without the toys. 

The Bookshelf interior - There's a light blue bookcase on the floor next to the cash register. There are bookcases along the entire wall in the back and a couple of table of books on the right side.
You can see the cash register area as the focal point in the back, but there are bookcases of books on either side of your view. You are looking down an isle.

There are a few sections to sit down and read the books you pick if you want. There are funny quotes on the wall that maybe many book lovers can relate to. “Give a man a book he can read and his home is bright with a calm delight, though the room be poor indeed.” “Don’t judge a book by its movie.” That last one is my favorite!

"Give a man a book he can read and his home is bright with a calm delight, though the room be poor indeed." quote is written on paper glued to a piece of hanging wood above a bookcase.

Its layout is easy to navigate. It has wide aisles and is very clean. There is a vast array of books to choose from and all of them are displayed on neatly organized bookcases. The bookstore has a different feel to its environment. It kind of feels like a modern, pristine library.

I found my books a lot faster than at Blacktail and I didn’t need to spend as much time here. While I enjoy the canonical literature I got here, I think I found more of the historical information I needed at Blacktail.

The Enthralling Classics I Found!

It was a blast searching through the shelves of books. I found a lot of good books for great prices. I fulfilled a childhood dream of mine of owning my own set of Sherlock Holmes books. These are annotated with pictures and lots of details from the books with great binding. When I was younger, I used to be obsessed with Sherlock Holmes and Nancy Drew. They were most of the books I would check out at the library. After I saw the two Sherlock Holmes movies with Robert Downey Jr., I wanted to be like Sherlock all the more. Always searching for clues and solving mysteries.

So needless to say, my inner younger self screamed with excitement when I found these two books. I also found some great classics that I am looking forward to reading. David Copperfield by Charles Dickens, Joseph the Provider by Thomas Mann, and The Three Daughters of Madame Lang by Pearl S Buck. While I have heard of the first book, I’ve never read it. The next two are new to me and I am eager to read them. Look at the beautiful binding of the David Copperfield book! 

image of the side of David Copperfield book. It is a purplish brown with gold rectangle and two diamonds in the center like a 1920's aesthetic
A selection of two Sherlock Holmes books, an old-fashion binding of "David Copperfield" in purple, "Joseph the Provider" in black and "The Three Daughters of Madame Lang" in orange sitting on wooden floor next to a bookmark from The Bookshelf.
Two Sherlock Holmes books placed on the floor. One is closed with a green cover with a lighter green edge and one is opened to a map of Sherlock Holme's country.

Most of my books here were copyrighted in the 1940s or 1960s. Not really that old if one thinks about it – but they still have an older binding. They also had a brief synopsis placed inside the book. It looked like it came from a book club, maybe its previous owner? Maybe they were placed there to make the books seem more mysterious. I don’t know, but it added to my experience!

The Bookshelf’s Serene Atmosphere

I love the books I got from The Bookshelf. It is a very nice, homey bookstore that has a modern library feel to it. The store has some reading areas to browse the books. The books have their prices written on their first blank page, making it easy to tally up your cost. Most of the books look fairly new and untouched; some others may be slightly worn, but never in poor shape. None of the ones I looked through even had highlights or notes in them. I’m sure most of the books here you could get look brand new. Overall, The Bookshelf is a great bookstore with a clean and comforting atmosphere that welcomes any book lover. If you would like to learn more, check out their Facebook Page.

A set of two deep, black chairs hidden in a large corner behind a bookcase on the right and in front of some books along the wall on the left.
Looking down an isle of books with a taller bookcase on the right and a shorter one on the left with a long bookcase of books that reaches the ceiling in the back. This is next to the reading area on the picture on the left.

Why I Love Scouring for Used Books

I truly love ordering used books on eBay or searching for them in used bookstores. It feels like the books have a story to them. Ebay is helpful when you know what you are looking for and want the best deal, but used bookstores offer more excitement. Some of the books I got from Blacktail Mountain Books have highlights and notes in them from previous readers. You not only get some hints on the best pieces, but you get to share a book with someone else. It’s like you shared a journey that someone else enjoyed before you. Or, I just find too much whimsy in everyday objects.

What’s Next?

While I enjoyed visiting the Bookshelf, I prefer my experience at Blacktail Mountain Books. Both stores were a great experience and a checkmark off my bucket list! I truly loved the experience of probing for all the books at Blacktail Mountain Books. It truly felt like I entered another world. I could spend all day there. It is like a special nook in the city of Kalispell for book lovers. There is something about searching through tall bookcases, corners, baskets, and stacks of books that make the adventure more exciting. They have a free book section outside of their store too. One can see the towers of books just peering through the door though. I highly doubt no book lover can resist not entering.

I went into these stores looking for books on history, religion, and science. Anything with information about how the world works or what has happened in this world before me. I was lucky to find a lot of great books in this quest to discover old information. I highly recommend visiting both places if you’re in the Flathead Valley. You will regret it if you don’t!

Next, I will visit Bay Books and Prints—a used book bookstore in Bigfork. So stay tuned for another adventure in the Flathead Valley! To read about it, view A Hidden Gem in Bigfork – Bay Books and Prints.

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